Student Handbook

East Coffee Elementary
Student Handbook 2021-2022
Eric Keith
Mrs. Lindsey Tucker


Preface - Mission and Vision

1) Citizenship
2) Rules
   a) Building
   b) Restroom
   c) Cafeteria
   d) Playground
   e) Bus Duty/Car Riders
3) Detention
4) Attendance and Dismissal Procedures
   a) Student School Day
   b) Attendance
   c) Dismissal
   d) Early Dismissal/School Cancellation
   e) Illness/Accident Dismissal
   f) Bus transportation
   g) Car transportation
   h) Change in transportation

5) Reporting of Student Progress
   a) Conferences (Parent/Teacher)
   b) Conferences (Parent/Student/Principal)
   c) Progress Reports (Interim reports)
   d) Report Cards
   e) Homework
   f) Access to school records
6) School Safety and Security
   a) Visitors
   b) Student Dress
   c) Weapons
   d) Lost Items
   e) Textbooks/Library Books
   f) Toys/Etc.
   g) Cell Phones
7) Cafeteria Program
   a) Breakfast
   b) Lunch

8) Health Services
   a) Proof of Immunization
   b) Communicable illnesses
   c) School nurse/medications
9) Corporal Punishment
10) Display of Work or Pictures of Students
11) Admission Requirements (First Time Students and  Foreign Exchange)
12) Field Trips
13) McKinney-Vento (homeless) information
14) Student Acceptable Use Policy and Internet Safety
15) School Clubs: 4 H and DARE
16) Asbestos Memo from Dr. Lawson
17) FERPA (English and Spanish)
18) TITLE I Parent Memo

This student handbook has been prepared with the intent of informing students and parents of rules and procedures at East
Coffee. It also serves as a standard for all stakeholders involved in the education of the students. The handbook provides
guidelines which will promote consistency among all involved.

It is our goal to establish an atmosphere at East Coffee in which children will feel safe, secure, and happy. At the same
time, it will ensure an atmosphere which is conducive to learning.
In an effort to accomplish these goals, an Assertive Discipline Plan is utilized. The plan specifies rules that include the
behavior we expect from our students at East Coffee. The plan also states the consequences for those who choose to break the

East Coffee's Mission
"Learning Today for Brighter Tomorrows"
The mission of East Coffee is to teach all students, working with each one and helping them reach the level of
proficiency required in their particular grade level and be successful at each subsequent level.
"Aiming for Excellence"
The vision of East Coffee Elementary is to provide a learning environment through the collaboration of teachers, staff,
parents and the community. Students will be motivated to learn through increased opportunities in technology, enrichment
activities, family involvement and community service projects. Students will be given the opportunity to learn by exposure to
different teaching techniques with attention to different learning styles in a safe and friendly environment.

East Coffee's School Mantra
I'm an East Coffee Warrior.
I believe in myself.
I have the ability to succeed.
I'm an East Coffee Warrior,
An important part of our team.
I will give my best! Together WE CAN!!
An East Coffee Warrior, ready to win!

The day-to-day discipline and management of student behavior at East Coffee Elementary are based upon the principles
of positive reinforcement and self-discipline. Students are expected to maintain appropriate behavior and will be held accountable
for their actions via East Coffee's behavior charting method called the Warrior Choices Chart.

Students begin each quarter with 100 Citizenship points. If the student follows the rules, s/he will maintain a perfect score
of 100. Students will use the method outlined below to chart their choices throughout the day unless the infraction is severe:

Blue -     Outstanding Day
Purple -  Great Day
Green -   Ready to Learn - All student clips will be placed here at the start each day - regardless of where they were the day before
            -   and will have the opportunity to stay where they are, move up or move down.
Yellow -  Think About It - This color is a warning, and no consequences will be administered.
Orange - Teacher's Choice - If a student reaches orange, his/her homeroom teacher will select and implement an appropriate
                consequence. The student will automatically lose one (1) citizenship point upon moving his/her clip. This point cannot be earned
                back once it is lost.
Red     -   Parent Contact - If a student reaches red, his/her homeroom teacher will contact the child's parent(s) via phone or letter,
                depending on the severity of the behavior. The student will automatically lose one (1) point in grades K through 2 and three (3)
                citizenship points in grades 3 through 5 upon moving his/her clip. These points cannot be earned back once it is lost.
Black   -  Office Visit - If a student reaches black, he/she will be referred to the principal. The student will automatically lose one
                (1) point in grades K through 2 and five (5) citizenship points in grades 3 through 5 upon moving his/her clip. These points
                cannot be earned back once it is lost.

Each student will have a clip on his/her classroom chart. The chart will travel with the class to and from various locations/classes
within the building. This allows faculty and staff to help in managing student behavior as it occurs. When a student moves his/her
clip down, the specific behavior(s) will be documented on a separate chart. Please note that except for the homeroom teacher (who
will just use a check mark), all staff and faculty will initial the student's chart for each behavior marked.

A loss of 10 Citizenship points could result in after-school detention.
There are times in which the Warrior Choices Chart may be by-passed due to severe infractions. These include, but are
not limited to:
● Fighting 5 points
● Scuffling 5 points
● Obscene Language or Gestures 5 points
● Theft of school or personal property 5 points
● Destruction of property 5 points
The above infractions may result in stronger disciplinary measures such as:
● Detention 5 points deducted (for disciplinary, not academic)
● Corporal Punishment 5 points deducted from Citizenship Score
● Suspension
● Behavior Modification
● Not allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities, (i.e., field trips, field day, fun days, etc.)

▪ No running in the halls.
▪ No use of bad language or obscene gestures.
▪ No fighting or scuffling.
▪ Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
▪ When in the hall remain quiet.
▪ Show respect to and obey adults.
▪ Follow classroom rules.

● No playing in water.
● Do not place paper towels or complete rolls of toilet tissue in the toilet.
● Do not throw paper on the floor.
● No standing on toilets or swinging on stall doors.
● Do not write on the walls.

● Do not talk when the light is off.
● Do not play with or throw food.
● Keep trash or food off the floor.
● Stack trays correctly in the return window.

● Do not pickup or throw sticks, rocks, sand, or dirt.
● No balls near playground equipment.
● No horseplay or scuffling.
● No tackle football.
● Do not stand, jump out of, swing sideways, or twirl swings.
● Do not push anyone in a swing.
● Only one person allowed sliding down the slide, one at a time.
● Slide sitting on your seat, with your feet forward.
● Do not walk up the slide.
● Do not sit on top of ladder bars, (monkey bars).
● Use all playground equipment appropriately.

E. Bus Duty and Car Riders
● Have all materials ready to take home.
● When the car rider bell rings, car riders are to walk to the designated area.
● Listen to the directions of the car duty monitors.
● During morning bus duty, enter the gym, be seated in your class line, sit and
face the stage, (except Kindergarten faces the opposite direction).
● During afternoon bus duty, students are to wait in their homerooms with their homeroom teacher and follow the
directions for bus loading as they are announced. As they are announced, they will proceed to their loading area.
● Parents and students should have made prior arrangements concerning bus riding, car riding, after-school tutoring, or ESP
before coming to school. Changes must be in written form.

F. Bullying
Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person who has a hard time
defending himself or herself. (Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, 2008)
● 1st Offense: lose 5 citizenship points, summary of incident requiring parental signature
● 2nd Offense: lose 5 citizenship points, summary of incident requiring parental signature, phone call from principal,
isolated lunch
● 3rd Offense: lose 5 citizenship points, summary of incident requiring parental signature, conference with parents and
principal, isolated lunch
The severity of offense may result in a more severe consequence.

After School Detention will be utilized for academic and disciplinary actions. If a student is missing assignments, other
than excused absences, they will be required to attend detention. Students with excused absences will be allowed 3 days to
complete the missing work. The principal will be responsible for determining those who will attend detention based on
disciplinary actions. Teachers will be responsible for determining those who will attend detention based on Citizenship points.
When a student accumulates 10 points off, he or she will be sent to after school detention.
It will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to promptly pick their child up from After-School Detention at 4:15
P.M. Any student not picked up by 4:30 P.M. will be sent to ESP. The parent will be responsible for paying for this service.
A day will be set aside for After-School Detention. The parent will be given at least a 3-day notice that their child must
attend detention.

A. Student School Day
Our doors are open at 7:00 A.M. The school day is from 7:45 A.M. until 2:45 P.M. Children are not to be left unattended
prior to 7:00 A.M.

B. Attendance
Students are expected to be in school every day, all day. Regular attendance enables students to benefit from classroom
discussions, presentations, and interactive activities.
Any student arriving after 7:50 A.M. must be signed in through the school office. Students will not be allowed to sign
themselves in. Students arriving after 7:50 A.M. or leaving before 2:50 P.M. will be counted as tardy. Perfect Attendance is based
on absolute perfect attendance-no absences, tardies, or check-outs (leaving before 11:30 A.M. is an absence).
Whenever your child is absent from school, a note with parent's/guardian's signature or doctor's excuse explaining the
reason for the absence is required upon the first day of return. Students are expected to make-up work within 3 days. Students are
allowed no more than 5 excusable parent notes per year. After 5 unexcused tardies and/or check-outs per semester, the student
will be required to attend after school detention. A warning note will be sent after 3 unexcused tardies/check-outs.
We strongly discourage family vacations when school is in session. In addition to compromising the attendance law,
family vacations interrupt the educational process in ways that make-up work cannot reverse.

C. Dismissal
If your child will be leaving during the school day, please send in a note to the teacher. Then, plan to sign the check-out
book in the office, and the office personnel will call the student's classroom to notify the child and teacher. If your child's normal
dismissal routine is to be altered on a particular day, please send a note to the classroom teacher describing the change and who
will meet your child at school. For your child's safety, a pre-authorized person must check out students leaving school before
regular dismissal time. We will not release your child to anyone who has not signed the parent/guardian permission form (large,
white card).

D. Early dismissal and School Cancellation
When severe weather creates hazardous conditions, the regular school schedule may be suspended to ensure students'
safety. In the event school is dismissed early or cancelled for bad weather or otherwise, it will be announced on radio station
WMSR (1320 AM, Manchester) and WFTZ (101.5 FM, Manchester) and Nashville TV channels 2, 4, and 5.
We ask that parents/guardians discuss with their child what to do in case of an emergency school closing. You, too, need
an emergency plan. We ask you not to suggest that the child call you because our telephone lines are jammed on these days and
very few calls can get in or out.
Parents are encouraged to sign up for the Notify Me service. It provides information such as school wide events, PTO
meetings, report card dates, Parent-Teacher Conference, Open House, and so on. The address to sign up for this service is'NotifyMe'. A link may be found on the East Coffee Website underneath
the search bar. This service can contact you through your email and/or cell phone.

E. Illness/accident Dismissal
In the event of an illness or an accident occurring during school time, parents or their designated substitute will be
notified by phone. Therefore, it is imperative that parents/guardians maintain updated records of emergency phone numbers in the
school office.

F. Bus transportation
The Coffee County School System offers bus service to all students. All students are encouraged to obey the rules for
riding the bus. Since riding the bus is a privilege, students may be suspended from riding the bus for disciplinary reasons.
The bus loading area in front of the school should stay free of automobiles. Parents who need to come inside during
afternoon dismissal should park across the front driveway and enter through the front door. Your cooperation is greatly

G. Car Transportation
If you bring your child to school in the mornings, your child should be dropped off at the awning at the front entrance of
the building between 7:00 and 7:45 A.M. Please do not leave your child unattended before 7:00 A.M. Please do not park in
yellow lined area as this is reserved for drop-off and pick-up of students.
Students are issued a number by the school for car riding. The person responsible for picking that student up must have
that number or numbers for more than one child.
Students who are car riders in Kindergarten through 5th grades may be picked up at the front entrance between 2:50 and
3:00 P.M.
Parents of students who are car riders should pull up in line next to the awning for students to be brought to them. We
must put student safety first. If you park on the other side of the driveway, you must walk across the driveway to get your child
and walk them to your vehicle. Students will not be allowed to cross the driveway without their parent/guardian.

H. Change in transportation
Students must have a note from the parent/guardian to ride another bus, go home with another student, or to walk home.
The parent/guardian, the homeroom teacher, and the principal must sign all notes.
Due to safety issues, students who need to have a change in transportation must have a note from the guardian. Notes
may be faxed with the information. The note must state the child's name, classroom teacher's name, and the change to be made.
Changes made by phone will no longer be accepted.

A combination of conferences, Friday Folders, report cards, progress reports, and notes are the means of communicating
student growth at East Coffee. The effectiveness of any reporting procedure depends on the quality of interaction between the
teacher, student, and parents/guardians.

A. Conferences (Parent/Teacher)
Formal conferences are scheduled in September of each year. Each child's teacher will notify parents of the date and time
for the conference. Informal conferences between teachers and parents/guardians are welcomed. However, in order to maintain
the school schedule, these meetings must be arranged in advance.

B. Conferences (Parent/Student/Principal)
Parents and teachers are encouraged to initiate a conference with the principal anytime during the school year in the best
interest of the student.

C. Progress Reports (Interim Reports)
One of the most important functions as a school is reporting your student's progress to you in a timely manner. Parents
are encouraged to keep in regular contact with the classroom teacher in order to stay informed about their child's progress. During
the school year, each student will receive four mid-term progress reports.

D. Report Cards
Report cards will be given out four times each year. The grades on the report card reflect the progress the student is
making. Parents are to look over their child's card, sign, and return it to the school promptly. Kindergarten through 2nd grades
have a checklist type report card; while 3rd through 5th grades utilize a grading scale that is on each report card.

E. Homework
Homework is an important extension of activities begun in school by students under the guidance of their teachers and
continued at home. Working together, home and school can guide students in the practice of skills and application of principles
based upon work begun in the classroom. It may enrich school experiences and promote a permanent interest in learning. A
secondary goal of homework is to stimulate individual initiative, personal responsibility and self-direction.
When your child is absent from school and needs his/her homework assignment, please telephone the school office in the
morning. The teacher will be notified and will make a folder, which includes all homework. Appropriate books will be sent home
when necessary. Homework assignments can be picked up in the office at the end of the school day or sent home with another
child, if requested.
Due to differences in age levels, abilities, and objectives, homework expectations will differ between grades and students.

F. School Website
East Coffee has a website which provides much information, from homework to important dates. The site is You may also access the school's website through the system website under the
school's tab at Links are provided for your information such as the East Coffee Parent
Involvement Plan (PIP), the East Coffee Tennessee School Improvement Planning Process report (TSIPP), and the East Coffee
Student Handbook.

While focusing on academics, our students are expected to develop respect and cooperate with their peers, parents, and
teachers. We want them to become competent productive citizens and leaders of their communities. It is the philosophy of East
Coffee to encourage the students' feelings of self-worth and self-esteem, rights and responsibilities of citizenship, and develop a
positive attitude toward the learning process. All efforts to recognize such qualities will be made.

The students and staff of East Coffee Elementary deserve the best possible environment in which to work, learn and play.
Students and staff have the right to:
♦ Teach and learn in a peaceful, disruption-free and productive environment
♦ Know what is expected of them at all times in all areas of the school
♦ Be protected from physical harm
♦ Be protected from verbal abuse
♦ Have their positive behavior recognized
♦ Have their concerns heard
♦ Be treated with kindness, dignity, respect, and caring

A. Visitors
To ensure building security, all parents, visitors, and former students are required to report to the office to obtain a
visitor's pass. To avoid interruptions to the classroom, parents are asked to leave all messages and materials at the office. The
office will notify the teacher or student as soon as possible. If you are picking up your child at the end of the day, please wait in
the lobby and they will meet you at dismissal time.
Parents are welcome to visit at any time. We ask that prior notification be made to the appropriate teacher. Arrival and
departure times are particularly busy for teachers and we would appreciate you scheduling appointments that do not interfere with
these times.

B. Student Dress
Students have a good self-concept if they come to school clean and neat. They should be clean and dressed appropriately
for school activities. Shoes should be worn at all times and flip flops are discouraged. Students are not to wear halter tops, tops
with spaghetti straps, or clothing that bares the midriff. Students will not be permitted to wear clothing with offensive language
or logos (as determined by the principal). Shorts and skirts must be at least mid-thigh in length. Clothing must keep the student
modestly covered at all times. No clothing with revealing openings. Appearances (such as hair style and hair color or excessive
make-up, jewelry, shorts) that lead to distraction of the learning atmosphere will not be permitted. This will be determined by
the student's teacher and principal.

C. Weapons
Our board policies prohibit bringing weapons of any sort into our school buildings or onto school property. Firearms of
any variety are weapons, but so are knives (including pocket knives) and martial arts weapons. Toy weapons are not allowed at

D. Lost Items
Care for personal and public property is part of growing up and exercising good citizenship. Each year many articles of
clothing remain unclaimed in the school's lost and found. Although name labels on personal property are helpful in identifying
owners of lost items, encouraging your child to care for what belongs to him and others is a responsibility of both the home and
school. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged possessions. Valuable items or large sums of money should not
be brought or kept at school.

E. Textbooks/Library Books
Students are encouraged to read books and use other materials available in the school library. Textbooks and other
allocated materials for instruction are furnished to the students at East Coffee. Students should be aware that the books issued to
them become their responsibility and that they will have to pay for any lost or damaged books.

F. Toys/Etc.
Radios, electronic games, CD players, etc., are enjoyable for children of all ages. However, because of the potential
interruption to the learning environment and the danger of them being broken, lost or stolen, these items are not to be brought to
school. Special exemptions may be granted when they relate to school projects. Trading or selling anything for profit by students
for their own benefit is not permitted.

G. Cell Phones-bringing cell phones to school is highly discouraged. If they are brought, they are to be turned off and left in the
student's backpack.

A. Breakfast-breakfast is served each morning beginning at 7:15 A.M. Students eat their breakfast in the cafeteria. They may pay
for their breakfast daily or in advance. Up to 5 days of breakfast may be charged. Breakfast ends at 7:45 A.M.
Breakfast $1.25 students $2.00 visitors
Breakfast Reduced $0.30 students
Milk and Juice $0.45

B. Lunch-The cafeteria will serve lunch each day. Students will eat according to a set schedule. Parents are invited to eat
lunch with their child. However, parents need to let the cafeteria manager know or send a note to the child's teacher in advance of
their attendance.
Lunch $2.25 students Visitors $3.75
Lunch Reduced $0.40 students
Milk and Juice $0.45 Ice Cream $0.65

Coffee County Schools Food Service Charge Policy
● In the elementary schools, up to ten days of lunches may be charged.
● In the middle and high schools, up to five days of lunches may be charged.
● No a la carte items, such as cookies or ice cream, may be charged at any time.
● No a la carte items can be purchased until the student has paid off the meal charges on their account.
● When five (5) charges have been made, the cafeteria manager will contact the parent by phone or letter to request
● Alternative meals will be provided to students with excess charges. No child will be denied a meal.

In all schools, up to five days of breakfast may be charged.
When parents visit and eat with their child, lunches from outside vendors (i.e. Sonic, McDonald's, Burger King, etc.) will
not be allowed in the cafeteria.

1. Proof of Immunization
Every child entering school for the first time should have a complete medical examination. No child will be admitted to
school without proof of necessary immunizations except those who are exempt by TCA 49-6-5001.

2. Communicable Illnesses
Students attending Coffee County Schools shall be excluded temporarily from school if a student has or is suspected of
having a communicable disease or parasite. The student should remain away from school until he/she has a release provided by a
physician, county health department, or school nurse stating that the student is free from disease or parasite.

3. School Nurse/medications
No medications, prescription or non-prescription, will be administered in school without a note from the parent and the
physician detailing specific dosage and frequency. Any medication that is to be given should be brought in its container labeled
with the student's name, doctor's name, medicine name, dosage and frequency and given to the nurse or principal. This medication
will be administered by the appropriate school official. Please inform us of any changes in your child's health status so that the
records may be maintained accurately.

Corporal punishment is utilized in the Coffee County School System. If you wish your child not to be paddled, a NEW
letter must be sent to school EACH YEAR by the parent(s) or guardian(s) to be kept on file in the office.

We are proud of the work completed by our students at East. We display this outstanding work in various ways such as
on the wall, in the paper, on the internet, in the yearbook, and through other types of media. Also, candid shots of students are
taken throughout the year and displayed in the newspaper and/or East Coffee Website. If you do not wish your child's work to be
displayed or his/her picture in public, please send a note to school signed by the parent(s) or guardian(s). This must be done
each new school year.

A. First Time Students must present:
● an official birth certificate which must contain the child's name, date of birth, mother's name and state seal.
● evidence of a current medical examination. There shall be a complete medical examination of every student
entering school for the first time. This applies to kindergarten and other students for whom there is no health record.
● Evidence of state-required immunization.
● proof of residence

B. Foreign Exchange Students-prior to enrolling a foreign student, the principal or designee shall require, in addition to a valid
student visa, the following documentation.
● citizenship
● birth date
● immigration records both physical and immunization
● custody (including phone number, name, and address of person responsible for the student.
● school records, including a transcript of academics (in English)

A. Field trips are an extension of the classroom. Students are to follow school rules and are the responsibility of the teachers.
Parents are guests and are expected to cooperate with the teachers.

B. Some field trips have a chaperone limit. Only a certain number of parents may attend.

C. Students will forfeit their field trips due to inappropriate behavior. This will be determined by the child's teacher and principal.

D. Field trips are for particular groups of students.

E. School age siblings of field trip students will not be permitted to attend. This is truancy.

Homeless Children & Youth Have the Right to a Free, Appropriate Public Education

Who is homeless?
Anyone who, due to a lack of housing lives:
● In emergency or transitional shelters.
● In motels, hotels, trailer parks, campgrounds, abandoned in hospitals, or awaiting foster care.
● In cars, parks, public places, bus or train stations, or abandoned buildings.
● Doubled up with relatives or friends.
● Migratory children living in these conditions.
Where can homeless children and youth attend school?
● The school the children attended before becoming homeless or was last enrolled in (school of
● The school in the attendance area where the child or youth is temporarily living.
How can delays be avoided when enrolling a homeless child or youth in school?
● Homeless children must be enrolled immediately.
● If school records are unavailable, ask that the records be sent electronically or shared over the
● Ask that a student's immunization record be transferred over the phone from the sending school to
the receiving school.
● Contact your school district, principal, counselor, or local homeless education liaison with any

SECTION 14 Student Acceptable Use Policy and Internet Safety
Coffee County School System Student Acceptable Use Policy and Internet Safety Policy (AUP)rev.2018
The Coffee County School System (CCSS) provides students with access to computers, network systems, and other
technology equipment so that teachers may use these tools as part of the instructional process. Teachers or approved
CCSS representatives are responsible for providing educationally relevant lessons, supervision, and instruction to help
students get the most benefit from available technology resources. Students are responsible for using the systems in a
manner consistent with the goals of the school system and to be respectful of other Users as well as adhere to the
Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)] and Tennessee Department of
Education requirements as stated in Tennessee Code Annotated 49-1-221. In general, students are permitted to use
technology resources for educational purposes with the permission and guidance of a supervising CCSS staff member
or approved CCSS representative provided the guidelines and restrictions herein set forth are followed.

Technology equipment provided by the schools are the property of CCSS and is intended to be used by teachers, staff
and students for educational purposes consistent with the goals of the school district. To maintain efficient
functionality of the equipment and to ensure its appropriate use, the district reserves the right to monitor all network
traffic, search all files stored on district-owned systems and to take such action as necessary to assure that system
resources are available for their intended purposes. Therefore, students should have no expectation of privacy when
using school networks or technology equipment. Additionally, students may not store personal files or data, install or
remove software, modify system settings, or otherwise alter existing systems without the express approval of a
supervising CCSS teacher or approved CCSS representative.

School computer systems exist in a networked environment that is designed with safeguards to ensure its dependability
but which also relies on the goodwill of its users. Students who disrupt or compromise system resources by altering the
network infrastructure or settings, attempting to acquire or use the login credentials of other users, introducing
resource-draining applications, monitoring the network traffic of other Users, bypassing existing security restrictions,
or otherwise compromise the integrity of the network will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
suspension, expulsion, and when applicable the involvement of appropriate law enforcement.

The CCSS provides Internet access to every school and should only be used for instructional and administrative
purposes. In providing this access, the CCSS attempts to limit the availability of web content that is inappropriate for
students in the school environment. While these restrictions are typically sufficient to protect the innocent, it is
impossible to completely prevent students from accessing inappropriate material. Therefore, all students are
responsible for using the Internet in an appropriate manner and are permitted access only through the school's filtered
Internet service. Students are permitted to access the Internet only with a signed technology use agreement form and
the permission of a supervising CCSS staff member or approved CCSS representative. Students who attempt to
circumvent the filter system by either software or use of websites, access inappropriate Internet services or publish
inappropriate content, or assist others in accessing or publishing such content or services, are subject to disciplinary
action and when applicable the involvement of appropriate law enforcement.
Inappropriate uses of the CCSS network include, but are not limited to:
 Pornography
 Gambling
 Use of network for commercial purposes (Buying and selling for personal gain)
 Harassment, insulting, defaming or attacking others (Cyber Bullying)
 Violating Copyright Laws
 Illegal Activities
 Hacking or obtaining access to unauthorized systems
 Obscene Language
 Trespassing in other's files or folders
 Using another persons identity or password to access the network
 Damaging or modifying computer systems without permission from CCSS Tech Department
 Use of VPNs, Proxies, or other Remote Access Programs

Coffee County School System Student Acceptable Use Policy and Internet Safety Policy (AUP)rev.2018 (pg2)
Even though CCSS blocks certain sites, the faculty and staff are expected to diligently monitor students' computer and
Internet usage. CCSS runs filtering software as required by CIPA(Childhood Internet Protection Act) and TN Senate
Bill No. 3702 (49-1-221). I also understand that CCSS provides robust digital resources for classroom instruction that
have been found to meet the Federal Trade Commissions' (FTC) regulations in regard to the Child Online Privacy
Protection Act (COPPA). Some of these resources may require student login credentials. At no time should a student
log in and use an account other than the one that have been assigned for any particular service. The District technology
staff has the right to remove any unauthorized or unlicensed software, restrict the use/listening /watching of streaming
media to preserve District bandwidth and the district will restrict the use of games for staff and students with the
exception of educational software that have been approved by the district.

Students may be issued a student email account. All student email accounts are accessible at any time by approved
CCSS staff. Any abuse of the service (bullying, profanity and other violations of stated by this AUP) may result in the
student's access of the service removed and are subject to disciplinary action and when applicable the involvement of
appropriate law enforcement.

Students are not allowed to participate in chat rooms, newsgroups, social networks or e-mail using the CCSS network
that are not provided by CCSS. Any circumvention or violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to
and including suspension, expulsion, and when applicable the involvement of appropriate law enforcement. Teachers
may request that students be allowed access to these technologies, but the request must be made to the teacher's
principal and then the principal request sent to the Director of Technology. Students that violate this policy may be
subject to disciplinary action and when applicable the involvement of appropriate law enforcement.

Students should not alter copy, move or delete any files that belong to other people. Game, media or other files shall
not be downloaded and installed on any CCSS computer system without the supervision and permission of CCSS staff.

While personal computers, electronic devices and digital storage media can be beneficial to the educational process,
such items also have the capacity to become distractions and to convey material that is unsuitable for the school
environment. Therefore, students may use personal computers, electronic devices and digital storage media only with
the permission of a supervising CCSS staff member or approved CCSS representative for the duration of the project. A
student may NOT use previously mentioned equipment on campus on their own accord. When brought onto school
property, these devices are subject to search and may be confiscated pending review and students may be subject to
disciplinary action and when applicable the involvement of appropriate law enforcement.

Coffee County School District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the technology
resources it provides. The district will not be responsible for damages suffered by students in the use of technology
resources including loss of data, interruption of services, and access to inappropriate content online.
Coffee County School System Student Acceptable Use Policy and Internet Safety Policy (AUP)rev.2018 (pg 3)

It is the policy of Coffee County School System to: (a) prevent user access over its computer network to, or
transmission of, inappropriate material via Internet, electronic mail, or other forms of direct electronic
communications; (b) prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; (c) prevent unauthorized online
disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal identification information of minors; and (d) comply with the Children's
Internet Protection Act [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)] and Tennessee Department of Education

Coffee County Schools recognizes the importance of keeping children safe online. To address this issue, the district
will provide the following:

Internet Training to Students
Internet safety training to students in K-12 is a part of their regular instruction. Resources will be provided to
classroom teachers and instruction time will be allotted. Education about safe and appropriate online behavior will be
integrated into the K-12 curriculum and instruction. Students need to learn how to avoid inappropriate content and
unwanted contacts from strangers while online as well as appropriate behavior on social-networking and chat-room
web sites and the dangers of cyber bullying and to learn about protecting personal information.

Supervision and Monitoring
It shall be the responsibility of all members of the Coffee County School System staff to supervise and monitor usage
of the online computer network and access to the Internet in accordance with this policy and the Children's Internet
Protection Act.

Evaluation and Review
The district will annually review its Internet safety program to make such adjustments as necessary. The Technology
and Planning Committee will review and evaluate all aspects of the Internet Safety Policy and program annually and
will recommend revisions as needed.

Professional Development Opportunities for Teachers and Staff in District
(1)Professional staff development will be provided in the following areas: Internet Safety in the Classroom,
Curriculum Design, Internet Usage for Lesson Planning and Content, Usage of Digital Media and other appropriate
technologies that will enhance or secure the learning environment of Coffee County Schools..

(2)Opportunities for faculty and staff to attend technology professional development workshops, conferences
or other appropriate venues will be offered.

Our system will provide on-site, ongoing professional development for all faculty and staff, throughout the school
year. This will be accomplished by scheduling in-service opportunities and after-school training to promote effective
integration of technology in the classroom and library which will lead to student improvement and network security.

Assessment of the effectiveness of professional development will be measured by analyzing student achievement
scores, classroom grades, teacher observations, and by sending periodic surveys to faculty and parents. A needs
assessment will be conducted to sustain professional development activities that integrate technology effectively for
the next school year.

Parental Involvement:
Student learning is maximized through familial or parental involvement in their schooling. However, family members
may have very different levels of knowledge about instructional technology, and therefore varying capacity to become
involved in a technology integrated learning process. Some parents do not understand the impact technology will have
on their child's education as well as their child's post-high school employment prospects. In fact, many parents have a
greater fear and misunderstanding of technology than do their daughters and sons. It is imperative to involve family
members in the development of a school's technology plan and establish partnerships and include them in discussions
and decisions. If parents are not involved, they may well oppose the plan based on fear rather than informed opinion.

The following are strategies that will be used in gaining parental involvement:
• Provide programs and/or speakers who can help parents, grandparents, caregivers, and community stakeholders
understand how important it will be in the future for their children to be competent in safe technology use.
• Focus efforts to diminish parents' misconceptions, strengthen their technological awareness, and at the same time
allow them to discover the potential of safe technology resources for their own uses.
• E-mail addresses of staff will be made available to parents and internet school sites will encourage communication
between parents and teachers as well.
• Parents, grandparents, caregivers, and community stakeholders will be invited to attend the same meetings and
training on safe technology usage that are held for the staff. As all participants are empowered with knowledge, they
become more committed. As parents, grandparents, caregivers, and community stakeholders become better acquainted
with teachers, they become more supportive.
If you do not wish your child to participate in either or both, please indicate this on the signature page.

Section 16 Asbestos Memo from Dr. Lawson

TO: Parents and Students of Coffee County Schools
FROM: Dr. Charles Lawson, Director of Schools
RE: Asbestos Inspection Results
DATE: 2017

In accordance with Federal Regulation 40 CFR 736, the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
(AHERA), Coffee County Schools have undergone a thorough inspection of asbestos containing
building materials (ACBM) within our schools. The results have been compiled in a series of
documents referred to as our Management Plan. The results of the inspections and management plan
have been submitted to the Governor's appointed representative as required by law and prior to the
designated deadline. The Management Plan is available for your review, upon request, at each school
and the Director of Schools Administrative Office during regular office hours. The management plan
includes information about previous asbestos abatement projects, ACBM and the response action
chosen for each.

Address any questions concerning asbestos in the Coffee County Schools to Kelvin Shores, Deputy
Director of Schools, at 723-5150.

Section 17 FERPA (English and Spanish)
1343 McArthur Street
Manchester, Tennessee 37355
Telephone - 931-723-5150 Facsimile - 931-723-8285

Notification of Rights under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Schools
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students who are 18 years of
age or older ("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the student's education records. These rights
1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days after the day the
Coffee County School System receives a request for access.
Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal a written request that identifies
the records they wish to inspect. The school official will make arrangements for access and
notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.

2. The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the parent or eligible
student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student's privacy
rights under FERPA.
Parents or eligible students who wish to ask the Coffee County School System to amend a record
should write the school principal, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and
specify why it should be changed. If the school decides not to amend the record as requested by
the parent or eligible student, the school will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision
and of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information
regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified
of the right to a hearing.

3. The right to provide written consent before the school discloses personally identifiable
information (PII) from the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA
authorizes disclosure without consent.

One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with
legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the school as an
administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff
and law enforcement unit personnel) or a person serving on the school board. A school official
also may include a volunteer or contractor outside of the school who performs an institutional
service of function for which the school would otherwise use its own employees and who is under
the direct control of the school with respect to the use and maintenance of PII from education
records, such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist;
parent or student volunteering to serve on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance
committee; or a parent, student, or other volunteer assisting another school official in performing his or her
tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education
record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.

Upon request, the school discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district

in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, or is already enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes of the
student's enrollment or transfer. [NOTE: FERPA requires a school district to make a reasonable attempt
to notify the parent or student of the records re- quest unless it states in its annual notification that it intends
to forward records on request.]
4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the
Coffee County School System to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the
Office that administers FERPA are:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland
Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202
1343 McArthur Street
Manchester, Tennessee 37355
Telephone - 931-723-5150 Facsimile - 931-723-8285
Policy 6.601
Notificación Anual a los Padres con Respecto a la Confidencialidad de los Expedientes
Académicos de los Estudiantes
La Ley de los Derechos y Privacidad Educacionales de la Familia (Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act o FERPA) es la ley Federal que protege la privacidad de los expedientes académicos de
los estudiantes. FERPA les da a los padres ciertos derechos con respecto a los expedientes académicos
de sus hijos. Estos derechos pasan al estudiante cuando éste alcanza la edad de 18 años o asiste a una
escuela superior al nivel preparatoria. Estudiantes a quienes los derechos han sido transferidos son
"estudiantes elegibles."
● Los padres o el estudiante elegible tienen derecho a inspeccionar y revisar el expediente
académico del estudiante que es mantenido por la escuela dentro de un período de 45 días a
partir de la solicitud hecha al administrador de la escuela. No es obligación de las escuelas
proporcionar copias a no ser que sea imposible para los padres o el estudiante elegible revisar
el expediente académico sin copias. Las escuelas pueden cobrar una cuota por proporcionar
● Los padres o el estudiante elegible tienen el derecho a solicitar por escrito que la escuela
corrija el expediente académico que ellos crean sea inexacto o engañoso. Si la escuela decide
no corregir el expediente académico, el padre o estudiante elegible tiene derecho a una
audiencia formal. Después de la audiencia, si la escuela todavía decide no corregir el
expediente, el padre o estudiante elegible tiene derecho de poner una declaración en el
expediente que presenta su punto de vista sobre los datos protestados.
● Por lo general, las escuelas deben tener permiso de los padres o del estudiante elegible por
escrito para poder revelar cualquier dato del expediente académico del estudiante.
● Autoridades escolares con interés educacional legítimo
o Autoridad escolar es una persona empleada o contratada por la escuela para servir como
administrador, supervisor, maestro o personal de apoyo (incluyendo personal de salud, personal
policial, abogado, auditor u otros con funciones similares); una persona que sirve en la mesa
directiva de la escuela; o padre o estudiante que sirve como miembro de un comité autorizado o
que asiste a otra autoridad escolar en sus funciones;
o Un interés educacional legítimo significa que la revisión del expediente es necesaria para
cumplir con una responsabilidad profesional para la escuela;
● Otras escuelas en las que el estudiante está solicitando inscripción;
● Autoridades especificadas para propósitos de auditoria o evaluación;
● Partes competentes en relación a asistencia de financiamiento para un estudiante;
● Organizaciones conduciendo ciertos estudios por o en nombre de la escuela;
● Organizaciones de acreditación;
● Para cumplir con una orden judicial o citación emitida de acuerdo con la ley
● Oficiales competentes en casos de emergencias de salud y seguridad; y
● Autoridades estatales y locales, dentro del sistema de justicia para menores, de conformidad con la ley
estatal específica.
Las escuelas pueden divulgar, sin consentimiento, datos de "directorio" tales como nombre del estudiante,
dirección, número de teléfono, fecha y lugar de nacimiento, honores y premios, participación en deportes
(incluyendo estatura y peso de los atletas) y fechas de asistencia si no son notificados por los padres o estudiante
elegible que la escuela no debe divulgar la información sin consentimiento.
La Ley de la Educación de Personas con Discapacidades (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or IDEA) es
una ley federal que protege los derechos de estudiantes con discapacidades. Además de los expedientes académicos
normales, los expedientes académicos para estudiantes con discapacidades podrían incluir materiales sobre
evaluación y exámenes, datos médicos y de salud, Programas Educativos Individualizados y notificaciones y
autorizaciones relacionadas, reportes de progreso, materiales relacionadas con acciones disciplinarias y acuerdos de
mediación. Tal información es reunida de un número de fuentes, incluyendo los padres del estudiante y personal de
la escuela donde asiste el estudiante. También, con permiso de los padres, se pueden reunir datos de fuentes
pertinentes adicionales, tales como doctores y otros proveedores de servicios de la salud. Estos datos son recogidos
para asegurar que el menor es identificado, evaluado y provisto de una Educación Pública Adecuada Gratuita de
acuerdo con las leyes estatales y federales sobre educación especial.
Cada una de las agencias participantes bajo la Parte B de IDEA debe asegurarse que, en todas las etapas de la
recolección, archivo, retención y divulgación de los expedientes académicos a terceras partes, cumpla con las leyes
federales de confidencialidad.
Además, la destrucción de cualquier expediente académico de un menor con una discapacidad debe ser de acuerdo
con los requisitos reglamentarios de IDEA.
Para información adicional o para presentar una queja, puede llamar al gobierno federal al (202) 260-3887 (voz) o
al 1-800-877-8339 (TDD) o al Departamento de Educación de Tennessee (ADE/ESS) al (615) 741-2731. O puede
usted contactar:
Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC

SECTION 18 TITLE I Parent Memo
Erin Phillips, Principal
6264 McMinnville Highway
Manchester, Tennessee 37355
Telephone (931) 723-5185
Facsimile (931) 723-3231
e-mail -

Fall, 2019
Please be advised of the following:
 East Coffee Elementary School is eligible for Title I, Part A and Title III services during the 2019-20
school year. East Coffee will continue as a Title I School-wide School during 2019-20.
 Professional qualifications of classroom teacher(s) and paraprofessionals at East Coffee Elementary
School may be requested by any parent.
 If East Coffee Elementary School should ever be identified as unsafe, parents will receive written
notification of their rights.
 Parents will receive written notification of their child's right to transfer to another school within the
district if he/she is a victim of a violent crime at East Coffee Elementary School.
 Parents of students at East Coffee Elementary School will receive notification if their child has a
teacher for four or more weeks who does not meet state licensing and certification requirements for
the grade and subject area assigned.
 Parents have the right to access and jointly review/revise the Parent Involvement Policy and Plan,
which can be located on the Coffee County Schools website. Questions and concerns can be
directed to the Coffee County Schools office at 723-5150.
 TN law does not include an option to opt out of state-mandated assessments.
 Annual state and local assessment information can be found at the school district website,, under "Parent Info".
 If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Mrs. Erin Phillips, Principal, at
(931) 723-5185 or visit

East Coffee Elementary
2019-2020 Parent Signature Page
Student:_____________________________________________ Grade:________________

Dear Parent,
After you have read the East Coffee Student Handbook, please read the statement below. Then, please sign
and date on the blanks provided at the bottom of this page and return this page to the school.

Handbook Agreement
I have read through the student handbook. I am aware and understand the policies, procedures, rules, and consequences listed in
this handbook.

Also, I have read the attendance policy and understand the information presented and the expectations of myself and child.
Furthermore, I have read the Coffee County School System Student Acceptable Use Policy and Internet Safety Policy (AUP)
rev.2013 (use of computers and the internet). I realize that without my signature, my child will not be permitted use of the
computer and the internet.

Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement and Permission
As a parent or legal guardian of the above student, I understand that the Coffee County School System provides my student with
internet access and access to digital resources. I understand that CCSS has implemented technology protection measures including
filtering and monitoring to prevent students from accessing inappropriate materials on the Internet, but that such measures may not
be one hundred percent effective at all times and it is impossible to restrict access to all controversial content. With this
understanding I grant permission for my student to access the Internet. I also understand that CCSS provides my student with
robust digital resources for classroom instruction that have been found to meet the Federal Trade Commissions' (FTC) regulations
in regard to the Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Some of these resources may require student login credentials,
which I authorize at the teacher's discretion. A list of district-approved websites can be found at the district's website at under the COPPA heading. I understand that the CCSS AUP restrictions and guidelines are
necessary component in protecting my child from exposure to inappropriate materials and from participating in inappropriate
activities. I understand that any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action and the removal of computer access
privilege for my student.

Please circle your choice concerning the statement below:
My child can be featured in local broadcast and print media, on the school or school district web site, and in district publications
and programs. Only Photo and name will be given.
Yes | No

Please circle your choice for each of the following statements:
My child may use computers/technology at school to access the Internet - Yes | No

My child can be featured in local broadcast and print media, on the school or school district web site, and in district publications and
programs. Only Photo and name will be given. Yes | No

Please check the box at the end if you DO NOT wish to allow your child to participate in 4H, for grades 4 and 5: [ ]

Please check the box at the end if you DO NOT wish to allow your child to participate in DARE, for grade 5: [ ]

Printed Name of Parent/Guardian _______________________________________

Signature_____________________________ Date ______________________